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noriSys 4 PMC

noriSys 4 PMC

  • Can be used as an independent system or as an extension to a noriSys 4 automation platform

  • Option for connecting a colour touch panel as HMI and visualisation

  • Mini-USB-port for configuration and service

  • RS-485 for noriSys 4 ExtBus communication

  • Generator set control with automatic start/stop function

  • Parallel and isolated operation

  • Automatic synchronisation

  • Generator protection functions, 3-phase

  • Power supply protection function, 3-phase

  • Approvals pending: ABS, BV, DNV, KR, LR

The noriSys 4 PMC is a Power Management Controller for power supply and system protection. It is used as an independent control system and can be extended with an optional colour touch panel (as HMI and visualisation). Other components from the noriSys 4 series can be added to the Controller to extend it into a high-level system. At the heart of the Power Management Controller is an ARM 32-bit Cortex™-M4 processor with DSP functionality. In its basic version, the Controller is used to connect and disconnect generators to and from the power supply system and is also suitable for use in stand-by power supply facilities. The system can be used for both isolated operation and parallel operation.